
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2024


European Languages ​​Day is a great opportunity to get to know and learn different languages ​​and cultures. Students did some research on European countries and presented their results. We made a very entertaining presentation about the languages, food cultures and traditional clothes of these countries.  6 of our students made puppets, then  they created short conversations in 3 different European languages(Polish, Italian and Romanian) of their choice. These conversations contained some basic expressions in those languages. Doing this activity with puppets and in a language they had never pronounced before had great fun for the students. It also broke down possible prejudices against the language of a different culture and enabled them to establish a connection with a different language.    

EUROPEAN LANGUAGES DAY - Voices of Multiculturalism, Multilingualism and Inclusion

On Thursday 26th September, Foley's School proudly co-celebrated European Languages Day promoting artistic expression, inclusivity, collaboration and diversity within our community. One of the event highlights was a live podcast performance by our U6 pupils, who discussed the importance of multiculturalism and multilingualism. Additionally, a famous Cypriot podcaster, Andreas Phylactou from Black Lemon TV led a separate live podcast session, engaging both our U6 podcasters and F1-F3 pupils in a dynamic discussion. A wonderful day celebrating languages, culture and creativity!

Europejski Dzień Języków/ European Languge Day

 26.09 świętowaliśmy w naszej szkole Dzień Języków. Przygotowywaliśmy się do niego wcześniej zgłębiając wiedzę o krajach europejskich, opracowując ulotki i plakaty na temat wybranych państw, zwłaszcza naszych partnerów eTwinningowych - Turcji, Cypru, Włoch, Francji, Rumunii i Grecji.  W czwartek odbyły się w klasach quizy sprawdzające naszą wiedzę na temat popularnych zwrotów w wybranych językach. Mieliśmy też możliwość wspólnie pokolorować flagi europejskie. Mamy nadzieję, że będziemy je już od tej pory rozpoznawać.   On September 26th, we celebrated the European Day of Languages at our school. We had been preparing for it in advance by deepening our knowledge about European countries, creating flyers and posters about selected nations, especially our eTwinning partners: Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, France, Romania, and Greece. On Thursday, quizzes were held in classes to test our knowledge of common phrases in various languages. We also had the opportunity to color European f...